So Why Bare?
We started as we often do with the question “If we could only teach ONE thing that would improve people’s leadership, what would that be?”
Alongside that we also recalled all the things that we know people are not very skilled at, looking back over the last 25 years of leadership training.
We wanted to capture the essence of “the basics” but in a way that didn’t sound basic.
And we arrived at BARE.
While writing this I frequently sprang the question on people “What comes to mind when you think of the word BARE?” and these themes tended to come up
Four elements
Bare essentials?
Well in over 25 years of leadership development training the one thing that seems obvious to us judging by the clever, knowledgeable and experienced people who turn up to our courses is that they have rarely if ever been taught how to do the basics…in particular how to listen (REALLY LISTEN), how to connect with others and forget themselves for a minute, and how to stop assuming and really learn about the other person, and themselves.
Copyright People Development Associates Limited
Bare cheek?
Well we encourage every leader to speak their mind, tell the truth, say what they mean, be direct. Channel the child who told the emperor that he had no clothes on. And that also covers Bare your soul. “Oh no, that sounds AWFUL… Please please let me just get my head down and go home at the end of the working day with no one being any the wiser about who I am or what makes me tick” Fine. OK. This one can be a painful concept for Introverted types, very private and self-contained individuals, the non-people-people amongst us. But, if that sounds like you, can we work out what the benefits of a little more transparency, authenticity and speaking up might be to your leadership? Maybe learn how to show up more whilst also respecting your boundaries?
Bare bones?
The more people know the more they want to say about it. It’s as if expertise comes with a mandate to bore. Ironically, this can also be a trap that people fall into when they don’t know much but want people to think they do. But to any of us who have drifted off during a presentation, meeting, conversation, lecture…. Wouldn’t it be great if we could ALL learn how to pare off unnecessary waffle and say things succinctly? Express ourselves confidently and persuasively?
Bare humanity?
As leaders have we forgotten (or even worse, think it is inappropriate) to be kind, compassionate? Humane? And while I am at it what about EQUALITY. How many of us are ever taught How Not To Be Sexist? Racist? Ableist? Homophobic? Particularly if we are not in a specialist equalities and diversity role, working in the third sector or working with particular oppressed groups or individuals. There are many excellent books out there focused entirely on this topic and I don’t plan to replicate those here (I’ll list them in the appendix and strongly recommend you read them) or try to cover the subject exhaustively. But in service of helping all those who enjoy the privilege of being any or all of white, straight, able bodied and male to open their eyes to their own ‘isms’ and dismantle them, there will be a chapter here that I hope will set you on your way to being a better human.